News from the Faculty
La crisi della democrazia
da dott. Vittorio Alberti, Facoltà di Scienze...
The faces of Africa: Africa Connect Initiative
Il 17 maggio, la Facoltà di Scienze Sociali...
Our degrees in Italy
The Ministry of the University and Research has...
Launch of the Faculty of Social Sciences Website at Gregorian University in Rome
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the...
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Our programme teaches honest and effective managerial principles and skills, underpinned by Catholic and Jesuit values. It engenders responsiveness to unique local needs and circumstances. It helps managers and leaders in the Church to create organisations where mission and management interact in ways that are mutually enriching.

Il Baccalaureato della Facoltà di Scienze Sociali offre una formazione in grado di comprendere la realtà complessa in cui viviamo,
alla luce dell’antropologia e dei principi della Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa.
alla luce dell’antropologia e dei principi della Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa.

The Licentiate in Social Sciences with specialization in social communication is built on the foundation of the social teaching of the Church. The pressing issues of our time are approached with the methodological tools of sociology and anthropology. Over the first year, the rich body of Church’s social teaching is presented in a systematic and comprehensive way. The second year focuses on communication theory and ethics, media planning and production, the magisterium, and management skills. Students are required to do an internship at one of our partner organizations.
The Licentiate degree enables students for working in various media and communication offices, for teaching in ecclesiastical faculties, as well as for further studies.