
The Faculty offers the following programs recognized by the Holy See

The Faculty also offers shorter programs aimed at non traditional students, such as:

  • Diploma in Leadership e management, for professionists, 
  • Series of conferences “Etica utile”, for Roman high-school students,
  • Summer school on Social Teaching of the Church (in collaboration with other organizations), for the youth.

We encourage candidates from Africa, Asia and Latin America to apply for scholarships with various agencies, such as:

Admission requirements

The admission of future students to the Faculty is subject to the evaluation of their previous studies, the approval of the Dean and the admission conditions approved by the Faculty Council.

According to University regulations, sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction is required (either Italian or English, depending on the program chosen).

Students can enroll during the period indicated in the Ordo Anni Academici:

Foreign students can obtain a “pre-enrolment certificate” issued by the General Secretary upon request by the Dean, which will allow candidates to apply for a visa at the Italian Embassy in their country of origin. See the “Orientation – Pre-enrolment certificate” section indicated by the Ordo Anni Accademici.

The Faculty reserves the right to recognize the equivalence of courses and other training activities, relevant to the disciplinary areas of social sciences, successfully completed in other Universities.

Furthermore, the Faculty can admit students who intend to attend special or refresher programs in the field of social sciences. These programs can only be carried out with the authorization of the Dean. Further information: 

Canonical grades

The Baccalaureate

The Baccalaureate degree is awarded upon the completion of the first cycle of study, which lasts three years. Undergraduates benefit from an international context where students and scholars come from various countries. The program combines a robust introduction to the main areas of the social sciences with some basic tools for social research. Theoretical and research skills acquired in those three years prepare students for further studies or employment.

To be admitted into the program, candidates need to present a proof of language proficiency, an Italian high school diploma, or a proof of equivalent qualifications as required for enrolment at the University in their country of origin.

The baccalaureate degree program introduces students to the main subjects and methods of social sciences. It includes courses and other training activities for a total of 180 ECTS and is equivalent to the degree of Social Sciences for Cooperation, Development and Peace (L-37 in the Italian higher education system). The core courses belong to the following disciplinary fields: Institutions of economics and economic policy, historical-anthropological disciplines, legal-political disciplines and linguistic disciplines. The required courses are from the disciplinary areas of Cooperation and development, Sociology and social and political systems, and Anthropology. The elective courses can be taken from other units within the University, subject to Dean’s approval.

Over the three years students are required to accumulate a minimum of 162 credits (ECTS) in the form of courses, seminars, internships, and other approved learning activities. At the end of the sixth semester, having passed all the exams, students are admitted to final examinations consisting of a comprehensive exam and a written essay, combined worth 18 ECTS.

The coefficients for calculating the final grade in the Baccalaureate in Social Sciences are: average grade of the courses: 80 percent; average grade of the final examinations: 20 percent, of which 10 percent is allocated to the essay and 10 percent to the oral exam.

The Licentiate

For the admission to the Licentiate in Social Sciences, a Baccalaureate grade of “cum laude” (8) or higher is required. Those who do not have an undergraduate degree in social sciences will need to take up to 50 ECTS worth of additional courses before being admitted as ordinary students. 

At the end of the first year, students need to choose a specialization.

The duration of the Licentiate is two years during which the student has accumulated a total of 120 ECTS, including the final examinations. This degree gives access to doctoral studies.

Licentiate in Social Sciences with specialization in the social doctrine of the Church

The Licentiate in Social Sciences with specialization in the social teaching of the Church is centered around a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the social teaching of the Church. We approach the pressing issues of our time with the methodological tools of sociology and anthropology. The rich body of Church’s social teaching is studied systematically, intertwining the exploration of the principles with the analysis of important topics in various times and places. A thorough and contextualized study of the signs of times leads to the elaboration of valid solutions to problems. 

The core program is enriched with courses in communication and in management of non-profit organizations, with the objective to prepare students for work in various Catholic offices and institutions, such as:

  • Institutes of higher education
  • Research institutes
  • Advocacy for the promotion of integral human dignity
  • Pastoral analysis and planning

The Licentiate degree prepares students for assuming leadership roles in social research, analysis, and action centers, for teaching in ecclesiastical faculties as well as for further studies. 

Licentiate in Social Sciences with specialization in social communication

The Licentiate in Social Sciences with specialization in social communication is built on the foundation of the social teaching of the Church. The pressing issues of our time are approached with the methodological tools of sociology and anthropology. 

In the first year, the rich body of Church’s social teaching is presented in a systematic and comprehensive way. The second year focuses on communication theory and ethics, media planning and production, the magisterium, and management skills. Students are required to do an internship with one of our partner organizations.

The Licentiate degree enables students to work in various media and communication offices, to teach in ecclesiastical faculties, as well as to pursue further studies.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare il Programma degli Studi.

Licentiate in Leadership and management

The Licentiate in Leadership and management is inspired by the Jesuit vision of education which emphasizes both the comprehensiveness and excellency. It aims at forming professional and responsible leaders and managers. Students will learn to think strategically and work in teams, applying their newly acquired competencies to a variety of ecclesial and non-profit organizations.

The Licentiate lasts two years (four semesters). In order to be awarded the degree, each student needs to earn 120 ECTS.

Admission requirements

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent. In addition, the candidate needs to present a proof of proficiency in English language. Finally, a recommendation letter by the relevant ecclesial authority (typically the Ordinary or the major superior).

A non-exclusive preference is given to those with previous work experience in positions of leadership and management.

Applications for the following academic year will be accepted from early November to mid-March. Applications will be processed in the second half of March and decisions about admission will be communicated to the applicants by mid-April.

Important note: The Licentiate in Leadership and management is a professional program. It does not give automatic access to the Third cycle (Doctorate) in Social sciences. Students who intend to pursue the doctorate at our Faculty will need to do an extra year of coursework before they can be admitted.

The coefficients for calculating the grade in the Licentiate in Leadership and management are: Average of grades obtained in courses taken (80 percent of the final grade), final project (10 percent) and final exam (10 percent).

The Doctorate

The general regulations regarding the Third Cycle can be consulted in the section “Regulations for the Third Cycle: Qualification Framework” in the Ordo Anni Academici and on the page

To be admitted to the doctoral cycle, the candidate must hold a Licentiate in Social Sciences or an equivalent qualification with a minimum grade of Magna cum laude. He or she must submit a copy of the qualification together with the Licentiate or M.A. thesis, the Curriculum vitae and a short statement explaining their interest, all by April 30th of the year in which they wish to enroll. The outcome of the application will be communicated to the candidate by May 31st.

The doctoral program in the Faculty of Social Sciences begins with the cursus ad doctoratum. It consists of two seminars and any additional courses that might be required. The personalized study plan will be approved by the Dean or his delegate. The cursus ad doctoratum concludes with the presentation of the dissertation project (argomento). It is elaborated under the direction of the thesis director and is evaluated by three professors of the Faculty: the Director, the Dean, and the second reader appointed by the dean. The topic is approved on the basis of a positive opinion of the commission.

Coefficients for calculating the final grade: The coefficients for the Doctorate in Social Sciences are: average grade of the seminars 10 percent; defense 10 percent; Doctoral Thesis 80 percent.
